Home / Webinars / Today’s spend management: How to control expenses without hurting your business

Today’s spend management: How to control expenses without hurting your business

About this webinar.

Companies will face difficult decisions about how to protect their runway in today’s uncertain economic conditions without cutting into critical resources that will be needed as the market recovers its footing. In this environment, getting control over company spend as a way to improve margins and runway is an important area of focus. In this webcast, we will discuss how company spending has changed, and the strain that it places on finance teams. We will consider how inefficient spending processes and lack of visibility into spend lead to waste, and how reducing that waste can extend critical runway.

Accenture notes: “…our benchmark data shows that the average company effectively manages less than 50 percent of spend, falling far short of best-in-class organizations at 90 percent or more…”

Join us as we talk through common spend management pitfalls and spend management case studies. From these, we will consider insights into how gaining access to better, real-time information and improving operational efficiency can drive significant value for your organization. 

Learning objectives.

  • Insights into why traditional spend management will continue to place increasing strain on finance teams.
  • Ways to streamline workflows, gain access to real-time information, and get control over spending while still empowering your high-performance teams to make necessary, approved purchases.
  • How businesses can use lightweight automation tools to implement best practices without the burden of large corporate procurement and spend management divisions.

About the speakers.

JD Higginbotham

JD Higginbotham

Controller at Ridecell

With over 20 years of experience, JD has worked with software companies at all stages of growth, helping them build out robust finance teams, streamline financial operations, and manage key relationships with investors, auditors, and regulators.

Learn how the top-ranked Spend Management Platform can help your company scale.

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